Mikhail Gavrilov
Rusland (Federatie), °1990
ZANG 2014 : Kandidaat


the National actor of Russia, the National actor of Belarus, the Honored worker of arts of Poland, Alexander Dedik (2010-2012)
the Honored artist of Russia, the Soloist of the Maryinsky Theater, Alexander Morozov (since 2012)


the musical college of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, studying on conductor-choral course (2004-2009)
the student of "Vokal-choral course», faculty of Arts of Saint-Petersburg state University of «Culture and Arts» (2009-2013)
the student of University of Herzen, course of Solo singing (Since 2013, the year of graduating is 2014).
Eerste ronde (15/05/2014)
Franz Schubert An die Musik op. 88/4 D 547
Pyotr Tchaikovsky Kto mozhet sravnit'sia s Matil'doi moei (Yolanta)
Mikhail Gavrilov, zang
Philippe Riga, pianobegeleider
Herbeleef de optredens van Viool 2024
H.M. Koningin Mathilde
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