Vitaly Starikov
Rusland (Federatie), °1995
Vitaly Starikov studeerde bij Sergey Beloglazov aan het Ural Music College in zijn geboortestad Jekaterinenburg en daarna aan het Tchaikovsky Conservatorium in Moskou, bij Vera Gornostayeva en Elisso Virsaladze. Sinds 2019 vervolmaakt hij zich bij Boris Petrushansky aan de Accademia Internazionale di Imola ‘Incontri col Maestro’. Vitaly Starikov won in 2017 de Eerste Prijs op het Concours International d’Épinal en de Tweede Prijs op de Taneyev International Competition of Chamber Ensembles. In 2019 behaalde hij de Eerste Prijs van de Premio Roberto Melini. Hij is solist bij het Saint Petersburg Music House en trad al op met orkesten zoals het Saint Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra, het Minsk Philharmonic Orchestra, het Orchestre national de Metz en het Orchestre symphonique et lyrique de Nancy, onder leiding van dirigenten als Wolf Usminsky, Alexander Titov, Andrey Galanov, Petr Nikiforov, Rani Calderon en David Reiland.


2019 - : Prof. Boris Petrushansky
2015 - 2019 : Prof. Eliso Virsaladze
2013 - 2015 : Prof. Vera Gornostayeva
2005 - 2013 : Prof. Sergey Beloglazov


2019 - : Post-graduation education, Accademia Internazionale di Imola “Incontri col Maestro”
2013 - 2018 : Bachelor diploma, Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory
2002 - 2013 : Diploma of general education; Diploma of secondary vocational education, Ural Music College


2019 : Rovereto, Casa Mozart, Associazione Mozart Italia
2019 : Reims, Opéra de Reims, the Epinal Competition, Orchestre national de Metz, David Reiland
2019 : Kurgan, Philharmonie Hall, Eliso Virsaladze; Kurgan Philharmonic
2019 : Ettelbruck, Centre des Arts Pluriels, the Epinal Competition, Orchestre national de Metz, David Reiland
2019 : Epinal, Auditorium de la Louvière, the Epinal Competition, Orchestre national de Metz, David Reiland
2019 : Conservatory of Riva del Garda, Antonella Costa, Premio Melini
2018 : Linz, Brucknerhaus (The Middle Hall), Saint-Petersburg Music House
2018 : Kislovodsk, Hall named after A.Skryabin, Saint-Petersburg Music House, Academic Symphony Orchestra named after V.I. Safonov, Piotr Nikiforov
2018 : Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, Moscow Conservatory
2018 : English Hall of the Saint-Petersburg Music House, Saint-Petersburg Music House


2019 : Participant of the "Solo-Final", 62nd Ferrucio Busoni International Piano Competition
2019 : 1st Prize, V International Piano Competition “Premio Roberto Melini”
2017 : 2nd Prize and Special Prize (Piano trio), VI Taneyev International Competition of Chamber Ensembles
2017 : 1st Prize and Audience Prize, 26th The Epinal Piano Competition
2014 : Finalist's diploma, V International Piano Competition “Minsk-2014”
2011 : 1st Prize, 22 International Music Competition "Citta di-Barlletta"
2008 : 2nd Prize and Special Prize, VII Igumnov International Piano Competition
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H.M. Koningin Mathilde
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